Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Chronicles of Evan's Giant Head

Evan has a large noggin. This is medically documented: Since birth, his head has consistently been in the 97th percentile of large heads. That means that only 3% of children out there have a cranium larger than his. Other than medical proof, the astounding amount of times that he has cracked his gargantuan melon on things around him is evidence of something a bit too large to handle.

Items and people that have had issues with Evan's head: Car doors, house doors, sidewalks, bunkbeds, futons, Mom's elbows, stairway railings, door handles, slides, swings, treadmills, desks, chairs, stools, refrigerators, walls, Dad's knees, neckholes of shirts (getting him dressed is a tug-of-war every day), doctors (with a not-so-tactful "Well, he's sure got a large head!" and "His head's almost off the charts!"), hats (as a newborn, the cute little newborn beanies were a joke, schlurrping right off that noggin' every time), bathtubs, buckets and bowls (they get stuck sometimes), Wesley ("Mom! Evan bonked me with his head again!"), random people attempting to dispense comfort ("That just means he's going to be super smart!"), and countertops, just to name a few.

It's a hard-knock life for Evan's head, but at least there's room for lots of kisses.

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